Professional-Grade Venture Portfolios

America's largest venture firm
for individual investors.

Join Our Network

Let’s create more value together.

For Accredited Investors

We are the venture partners for 8,000+ investors.

For Entrepreneurs

We are a co-investor whose network can help with connections, capital, and customers.

Quality & Quantity

Alumni Ventures is recognized as a "Top 20 Venture Firm" by CB Insights ('24) and as the "#1 Most Active Venture Firm in the US" by Pitchbook ('22 & '23). We are America's Largest Venture Firm For Individual Investors.



capital raised



portfolio companies



community members



individual accredited investors

The Power of a Network

Venture capital has always been about connections and deal access. Our network, united by alumni connections and an interest in entrepreneurship, generates value via powerful flywheels.

Why VC May Belong in Your Portfolio

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    VC has outperformed the public market equivalents in the 5, 15, and 25 year periods.
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    VC has been the top performing alternative asset class over the last decade.
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    VC is largely uncorrelated to the public markets, making it attractive from a portfolio risk-mitigation perspective.
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    More value is being created in the private markets than ever before, and the largest endowments and institutions are increasing allocations here.

Sources for the above claims


Recent awards and recognitions received by Alumni Ventures

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